Monday, February 22, 2010

my little escapee and asian parents

So my baby boy decided to have a little stroll by himself last night. Again. Sigh. He is almost 8 years old and still looks and acts like a puppy dog.
Proof - this was taken yesterday after his bath.

On the one day the gate decides to swing open by itself,is the day we give him a bath and hence no collar no tag. Luckily he's micro chipped and someone took him to our local animal hospital.
Kind person, whoever you are.. Thank you for looking after my baby. I believe in karma and one day that kindness will be returned to you in another form. Thank you.

It's not his fault that he loves to go out and hunt for food, he's a lab!! But it's also because I didn't train him properly when I got him as a puppy. He's my first dog, and without help and support I was quite lost as to how to train him. But I did the best I could as soon as I knew how to and we're doing so well now! Except for the running away part. Hehe. Got me so worried coz I wasn't home when it happened. Which leads me to the other part of the title.

We were out in the city.. Gav and I wanted to go on a little date since I was feeling much better from the flu. We went to watch the Chinese new year twilight parade. Half way thru the parade this Chinese woman started to squeeze in right next to me to try and get a better view. Which is alright until she started to push and kept yelling for her daughter to go stand with her.
God woman! We've actually been standing here for ages before the parade even began so please don't just come barging in like you own the place. And ffs stop yelling at your daughter!! She was so demeaning to this poor girl who's only like 10.

What is with Asian parents and their verbal and mental and emotional and in some cases physical abuse?
I'm generalizing here but unless your Asian parents are very westernized. They will be in some way abusive.
And I wana say to whoever out there who has parents that talk down on them, please don't take any of that shit in.
I mean I'm not telling you to start fights. You can confront them if you want but beware of the consequences. Especially if you're still young and very dependent on them.

What I'm saying is that block it out.
Every time they tell you you are worthless,
every time they tell you that you will never be successful unless you go to uni and get a degree that guarantees a well-paid job,
every time they insult you,unfairly criticise you,
every time they even imply to you that money is more important than happiness.
Block it out.

For every negative comment they make to you, tell yourself two positive and loving things.
Here's one -
I am a good person and I deserve good things
I am lovable and kind

Write down a few of them if you need to and just keep reading it or saying it out loud until it takes over the negative ones.
Because no matter how much you think these are just words they don't affect you. They do. And becomes a part of your inner voice. And it's negative and stops you from seeing how beautiful you truly are and how you deserve to be loved unconditionally by your parents. Without judgment or certain expectations.

However, keep in mind that it's not their fault coz that's how they were treated when they were young. It's a vicious cycle, But you can stop this cycle. By blocking them out and learning to love yourself.
Asian parents still love their children, I mean why do you think they spend so much time nagging you and scaring you into studying harder etc. It's coz they want you to have a better life, an easier life so to speak.

It's just a different form of love.

But you don't want this kinda love that's filtered through criticism, threats and negativity. Have your own mind, understand the intention behind those words then block the rest out.

Please don't forget. You DO deserve to be loved and cherished and cared for, just for being you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Just stopping by to check out your blog. I love it! :D Tis fun and cute.
